Celebrating our 33rd Anniversary!


1986- Property Management of Andover is founded by James Toscano.

1987- Oct. 19th the Dow Jones closes at 1,738.74.

1988- Colleen Scharn hired and still at Property Management of Andover.

1988- Linda O’Brien hired as Senior Property Manager and still at Property Management of Andover.

1989- The Berlin Wall falls.

1991- The first attempt at Super Lien legislation is sponsored by PMA filed on Beacon Hill on behalf of James Toscano, PMA.

1991- Tammy Serverius hired as office manager and still at Property Management of Andover.

1991- “World Wide Web” becomes available to the public.

1993- “Cheers” airs its final episode.

1994- OJ Simpson surrenders to police.

1994- At the age of 18, Tiger Woods wins The Masters.

1998- Seinfeld airs its final episode.

1999- James Toscano earns P.C.A.M. designation from C.A.I.

2001- Attack on World Trade Centers in New York.

2004- The Boston Red Sox win their first World Series in 86 years.

2005- The New England Patriots win their third Super Bowl in four years.

2005- Hurricane Katrina wreaks havoc across the Gulf Coast.

2008- Barack Obama becomes the first African American President of the USA.

2011- Property Management of Andover celebrates our 25th anniversary of service currently with 3200 homes within 35 communities.

2014- Property Management of Andover donates 1,300 pounds of food and goods to the Greater Boston Food Bank. It’s the fifth year we’ve held our holiday food drive, collecting a total of 5,500 pounds of food and goods, equaling 4,485 meals. We’ve also donated $1,265 to the GBFB.

2015- Boston breaks seasonal snowfall record with 108.6 inches.

2016- Property Management of Andover celebrates our 30th anniversary of service.


We’ve been here for the communities and their members through the best and worst of times, and always will be.