How long has Property Management of Andover been in the business of property management and maintenance?

Established in 1986, we’ve been in the business for 30 years and counting.

How many employees work at PMA?

There are 15 employees at PMA, including professional management and support staff in addition to licensed carpenters, light maintenance personnel and one plumber.

Is personnel turnover a concern at PMA?

Personnel turnover is not a concern, as employee range of service at PMA exceeds 20 years for several employees.

How would our condominium community benefit from this lack of turnover at PMA?

Our teamwork program and expansive knowledge of condominium management through experience and long term relationships is beneficial to your condominium community. Management personnel turnover leads to a loss of information and the Board’s need to train managers. Our lack of turnover has contributed greatly towards the success of our teamwork approach of professional management.

Who is the founder of PMA?

Jim Toscano is the founder and owner of PMA.

What designations does Jim Toscano hold?

Jim Toscano holds the PCAM designation, which stands for Professional Community Association Manager, the highest and most difficult designation available from the Community Association Institute (CAI).

What is the Community Association Institute (CAI)?

CAI is the professional organization that provides courses and educational standards for its member’s designation. CAI is a nation-wide support organization that offers community associations substantial leadership in the operation of homeowner associations.

Is Jim Toscano active in “hands on” real estate management?

Yes, Jim Toscano still manages communities that he has managed since their inception.

How many communities does PMA manage?

As of May 2016, PMA manages 44 condominium communities.

Is there a size restriction on the communities managed by PMA?

PMA manages condominiums that range in size from 10 homes to 300 homes. There is no size restriction on communities that we manage.

Does PMA offer full and partial management programs?

Yes, our programs are tailored to the requirements of our individual communities. PMA offers full administrative maintenance management and financial service programs.

  1. Our administrative service maintains current records as well as categorizes past records for future reference. All systems are automated with off-site access available to internal systems operations. Complete resident and non-resident record keeping, insurance policy and loss control management include part of our administrative responsibilities.
  2. Our maintenance services are offered through internal staff and through sub-contractors. Projects requiring more than one proposal are bid upon by experts that fall within the bid documents’ scope. Maintenance is on-call day and night, around the clock (24/7).
  3. Finance management is another strong service that keeps delinquency amounts consistently low. Collection activity is a full-time position that avoids long term collection problems. Careful cash management allows communities to meet their obligations and develop their credit history. Special assessments are unnecessary when funds are properly managed.
Does PMA charge a project supervision fee?

Absolutely not! A truly professionally management firm should be able to manage capital replacement projects (i.e. paving, roofing, siding, etc.) from the bid specification stage to project completion at no additional cost. We believe you should hire a professional management company to provide all management services without the add-on charges to your disadvantage.

How often does the management fee increase?

Management fees will not increase for a minimum of two years.

How large are the increases when they are due?

Increases average 3-5 percent every 2-3 years. They depend on service levels desired by the communities.

Are rules enforced?

Rule and regulation enforcement is important for the upkeep and appearance of a community. They are consistently enforced in conjunction with the plan set by the governing board members.

What is the role of property managers?

Property managers serve as advisers. They fulfill the decisions of the Board of Directors/Trustees who always remain in charge of the community. Property managers have no individual authority. They must answer to the Board.

When a caller contacts PMA, will he or she hear an automated message?

No, a person answers the phone from 8:00am-4:30pm, excluding lunch.

What automated services are offered by PMA?

Automated services are:

  • Voice mail for the convenience of leaving messages after speaking with a receptionist
  • I-Mail which is a service to communicate by mass e-mail
  • Automated work order and internal tracking
  • Electronic drafting of condominium fees
  • E-mail communication and mass voice messaging
  • “Call blast” system that sends automated phone messages out to owners/residents in case of emergency
What services does the PMA website offer?
  • Management services
  • Condominium fee payment options
  • Useful forms for a variety of purposes
  • Work order requests
  • Personal financial information
  • Communication
  • Insurance information
How does PMA manage transitions from prior management?

The staff follows a transition program procedure designed to guarantee the smooth flow of records and knowledge related to your association from the former management/developer to PMA. The transition is transparent to owners and service providers.